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AKG K872

CHF 1'172.00
Product currently unavailable.
Indicative price.
Ref: 134200 - AKGK872
EAN: 9002761039702
PDF  Datasheet (PDF, 407 Kb)
Pictures and descriptions are for your convenience only and may not be accurate.
Headphone AKG
Over-ear, Closed, for studio & broadcast use
Extremely powerful 1.5 Tesla neodymium driver for highest signal fidelity
Frequency response: 5
54,000 Hz
Impedance: 36 Ω
Dual-layer voice coil for first-class impulse response
53 millimeter diaphragm for extreme bandwidth and excellent dynamics
Comfortable fit thanks to air-permeable mesh headband and individually adjustable circumaural ear pads
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