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Blaze Taito Super Pocket

Blaze Taito Super Pocket
CHF 61.00
Product currently unavailable.
Indicative price.
Ref: 152174 - 1129374
EAN: 5060990240218
Pictures and descriptions are for your convenience only and may not be accurate.
Retrogaming Console Blaze
Portable console with 2.8-inch screen and 320 x 240 resolution
4 hours of battery life, charging via USB-C cable
Compatible with Evercade catridges
Includes Bubble Bobble, Space Invaders, Space Invaders 91', Operation Wolf, The New Zealand Story, Rastan, Cadash, Chack'n Pop
Includes Don Doko Don, Elevator Action, The Fairyland Story, Football Champ, Growl, Kiki Kaikai, The Legend of Kage, Liquid Kids and Volified.
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